As the temperatures rise during the summer months, many homeowners wonder if it’s worth turning off their boilers. As the cost of living crisis bites harder, it seems like an easy win – but is it? The short answer is that it depends on your individual circumstances and the type of boiler you have. First, […]

Are boilers expensive to run in hot weather?
No, the costs are pretty much the same in terms of power usage. Of course in colder weather you'll use the boiler and heating more, so that's why your bills are higher.
How much money can I save by using my boiler year-round?
You are probably already using your boiler throughout the year, if you are using it to heat hot water for example. And most homeowners will be doing just that, so the costs of running a boiler year-round are cheaper in the summer months.
Do I need boiler cover if I only use my boiler in the winter?
As above, if you use your boiler to heat water then you are using it throughout the year. Or more specifically, not just in winter, so therefore you may need boiler cover to cover you and give you peace-of-mind in the summer months too.